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Don't Make These 4 Dermaroller Mistakes

Don't Make These 4 Dermaroller Mistakes

Hello again my Gin Amber babies and welcome to a very special blog post, where I’ll be discussing the FOUR worst dermaroller mistakes you could be making and how to avoid them. As I’m sure you all know by now, I’m a huge believer in the pure skincare power of the dermaroller, but I also want to make sure YOU are reaping the most benefits from your rolling sessions by dropping bad habits and avoiding pitfalls. Luckily, I’ve got those pitfalls in a special list below, so without further ado, let’s get started:


Mistake NUMBER 1: You’re Using a FAKE Dermaroller

This is such a big one. When it comes to dermarolling, I push quality over quantity. No matter how many needles a dermaroller brand may claim to have, if they’re using fake needle wheels, you’re putting your skin at risk by using their product. Do you know how to tell the difference between a fake and real dermaroller? You should, if you want to avoid blemishing and scarring your skin.

I go into depth about this in my YouTube video, where I place fake and real dermarollers under a microscope to determine the shape of the hole their needles make. Needless to say, the fake dermarollers form a nasty gash-like wound, while legitimate needles form a clean, circular puncture.  

And for the record, my 192-real needle dermarollers contain 100% medical grade stainless steel needles and are CE certified, meaning they adhere to some of the strictest health standards out there. You can browse or shop for them here.


Mistake NUMBER 2: You’re Using TOO LARGE of a Needle Size

Everyone wants quicker, faster results in less time, but sadly, this just doesn’t work for skin. Think of it like going to the gym. Getting fit and tone doesn’t magically happen in two flash sessions in the weight room. It’s all about consistency, consistency, consistency. So if you’re using a bigger needle size to get results in half the time, I’m sorry to break it to you, but it just doesn’t work like that.

In fact, using too large of a needle size right away can lead to a lack of visible results, damaged skin, and premature aging. Yikes.

My advice? If you’re a true beginner, start with the smaller size dermaroller, 0.25mm, for a couple of months, then increment the size. I have a YouTube video on this as well, if you want all of the details on how to do this the right way.


Mistake NUMBER 3: Improper Before and After Care

Gorgeous skin doesn’t just happen with a few back and forth rolls of the dermaroller. How you treat your skin prior to and following your dermarolling sessions has a major impact on the results.

Disinfect your skin and dermaroller with alcohol or witch hazel before and after dermarolling. After your session, use a high-SPF sunscreen if you plan on going out, and try not to expose your skin to harsh sunlight for at least 48-hours. Don’t workout or sweat for at least 24-hours after dermarolling, and don’t exfoliate or use acids for at least 3 days. Wait until your skin has HEALED. And if you exfoliated harshly the day before, DON’T dermaroll. Be extremely careful and take your skin’s health into consideration. Take the necessary precautions and give it the tender love and care it deserves. I promise you, your results will be magical. It just takes a little attention to detail and safety.


Mistake NUMBER FOUR: You're Dermarolling Longer Than FIVE Minutes 

This is another huge one and I can't stress this enough. Just because you’re dermarolling for thirty minutes at a time doesn’t mean it’s producing more benefits. Again, this is one of those less is more situations. Try to make your sessions last no more than 5 minutes for your first four to five times. After 1-2 months, you can bump this timeframe up to 7 minutes, then at the sixth, seventh, or eighth month, go ahead and shoot for 10 minute sessions. In all honesty, I see no reason you should be dermarolling longer than 10 minutes at a time. NOTE: if you consider yourself to have sensitive skin, I’d recommend dermaroller sessions last no longer than 2-3 minutes.

I also recommend you check out the chart below for reference. This can be found on the FAQ page of my website as well.

Knocking bad habits and avoiding these mistakes will go a long, long way. For long-lasting, healthy and beautiful skin, you don’t need a crazy, complicated skincare routine. You just need a single dermaroller, bit of patience, and most importantly, consistency. The rest will follow and I promise, you’ll be hooked on the results.

Again, thank you my Amber Babies for tuning into another blog post and a gigantic thank you to all of my additional subscribers and viewers for the unconditional love and support! I hope this information was helpful and I can't wait to hear all about your skincare journeys. Until next time!

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  • Gin Amber

    @Theresa You’re welcome!

  • Theresa Gulley

    This information is very helpful. Thank you

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