Daily + Nightly Routine FAQ
Yes! Our skin repairs itself at night, producing an acid mantle that can serve as a protective barrier and keeps our skin naturally hydrated during the day. Washing in the morning can strip off the balanced skin microbiome that is crucial if we want our skin to be healthy, well-groomed, and beautiful. Skip the morning wash and proceed to apply your usual morning skincare products instead.
This is a technique that requires two different types of cleansers to wash your face at night. The idea behind the double cleansing approach is to use a cleansing balm first to make it easier during your second cleanse in washing the face thoroughly.
Never forget these 3 essential products for healthier skin. Choose a gentle cleanser, revitalizing moisturizer, and natural sunscreen. Always cleanse, moisturize, and protect!
While it is not necessary, some products are more effective when applied at certain times. In the morning, products like serums and spf are necessary for hydration and protection. At night, it’s best to apply products such as exfoliants and nourishing anti-aging treatments to aid our skin’s renewal process.
Vitamin C can be used in the morning and/or night. Applying Vitamin C before going out to the sun and adding sunscreen to the mix has the potential to provide enhanced protection from harmful UV rays. But if you do use your Vitamin C serum during the daylight hours, use a lower concentration -- no more than 10% since it has the potential to become unstable when reacting with light.
Higher-concentration serums definitely act better when applied at night time. A good Vitamin C serum will also reverse much of the sun damage you have undergone during the daylight hours.
The exact order in applying skincare products is to consider their viscosity. Always apply the lightest products and end with the thickest for better penetration. Also, remember that damp skin will absorb the product better.
Yes. Radiation from the sun (also known as UV rays) can be detrimental to your skin if not protected. Exposure to UV rays can cause cancer, premature aging, and signs of sun damage like wrinkles, leathery skin, liver spots, actinic keratosis, and solar elastosis. Applying a TOXIC-FREE SPF sunscreen is one of the ways you can protect yourself and it's vital that it is applied and re-applied properly.
Retinol can be very irritating if used too frequently or if the formulation is too strong for your skin. Gin Amber Beauty’s Retinol Products are plant-based, making it gentle and safe to use for all skin types. We recommend to begin use by applying every other day, if no sensitivity occurs, the Retinol Serum and Retinol Eye Cream may be used daily. Avoid the use of retinol while pregnant.
Note: We only recommend using Retinol products 3-4 days after microneedling.
Exfoliate your skin no more than once a week. Over-exfoliating and overusing actives on your skin would only cause damage in the long term.
Before dermarolling, we need to prepare our skin for the treatments. Do double cleanse and disinfect the roller and skin. Avoid applying certain ingredients (like Retinol and Acids) that would be too harsh for the skin if used with the dermaroller. We only recommend applying natural, gentle, and clean serums and/or creams like Gin Amber Beauty’s products after dermarolling.