Hello Amber Babies!
I want to wish you Happy Holidays! Thank you for being part of the Gin Amber Beauty family. We love the work we do because we do it for you! Gin Amber Beauty is more than just beautiful skin. It is about you.
This year the holidays are going to be very different for many of us because of the pandemic. Like many of you, I will be spending the holidays without my family who are in Europe. I understand how many of you may be feeling. Being without family and friends can be a sad and lonely time. It is very important to think positively and believe that the future will be brighter.
I am sharing some of my tips, which I use daily, to help lift your spirit and make your holidays a little more joyful.
Take this time to focus on the positive aspects of your life and to practice deep self-care. There are many things that we can do to lift our spirits, increase our positive energy and experience happiness. Researchers believe that positive thinking not only lowers rates of depression, but it may have many benefits including:
- Increased life span
- Lower levels of distress
- Greater resistance to the common cold
- Better psychological and physical well-being
- Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
Self-love. Too often we look at our imperfections or focus too much on the things we want to change. We are all worthy of unconditional love. Things like the way we look, how much money we earn, or our past do not determine how much love you deserve. Taking good care of your mind, body and spirit are ways to express self-love.
Daily affirmations. Affirmations are a powerful way to improve your mindset on a daily basis, and according to research they can increase your feelings of self-worth. Practice creating your own self-affirmations. Examples of affirmations include:
- “I am at peace with who I am”
- “I trust that I am on the right path”
- “I will have a great day”
- “I will achieve my goals”
- “I allow myself to be without inner judgement”
Prayer or meditation. Find a quiet spot in your home and set aside time daily to pray or meditate, depending on your beliefs. Research shows that prayer and meditation activate certain parts of the brain that make you calm. They also help the brain to release chemicals that make you feel happier.
Exercise and eat right. Taking care of your body is as important as taking care of your mind and spirit. Eat more fruits and vegetables, cut back on sugars and refined carbs and eat lean sources of protein. Exercise daily. Walking, riding a bike, yoga and dancing are some simple ways to incorporate fun exercise into your daily routine. Exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, increases endorphins to make you feel happy and keeps depression away.
Be grateful. Harvard researchers have shown that gratitude can make you happier. Why? Because when you are grateful you are acknowledging what you have and not what you lack. Gratitude brings a sense of contentment and appreciation. It helps you focus on the things that truly matter in your life. A daily practice of gratitude can be life changing. Take the time to give thanks and see what happens!
Develop a hobby or interest. Find activities that you enjoy doing and do them regularly. Having a hobby or activity that you enjoy doing gives you something to look forward to and helps keep you active. Hobbies can be as simple as cooking or baking, sewing, painting or doing an outdoor activity. It’s never too late to learn a new hobby or skill, and it’s a great way to meet new friends.
Take good care of yourselves, loves. I will see you in 2021!