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How To Naturally Plump Your Lips At Home

How To Naturally Plump Your Lips At Home

Who doesn't want smoother, bigger lips? It's a beauty trend that never goes out of style. In this culture, lips are a sign of sex appeal, femininity, and seduction. Not only this, but it just feels good to have naturally fuller lips. They're also a sign of youth and considering lips begin to thin as we age, it's no wonder we want to hang onto our youthful pucker.

People have done various things just to accentuate or make their lips plumper. From doing lip fillers, overlining the lips, using spicy lip plumpers or doing the crazy challenge from Kylie Jenner—it's evidence on how widely popular is the iconic big lips.

But those methods and trends I've mentioned only gives temporary results and most of them are even harmful for you!

The most popular method is through Lip Injections. Now, yes it does work but it can can cost anywhere from $400 - $1000 per vial or syringe and can last anywhere from 6 months to a couple years, though this depends on how much is injected and the patient's metabolism.

Lip fillers also don't come without downsides. Some unwanted side effects can include swelling, itching, bruising, burning, and even unsatisfactory results, with your lips being perhaps too big or having too much of an unusual shape. At this point you can either suck it up and endure the filler until your next round or have the fillers dissolved, which would be a waste of both time and money.

So why do that when there's a natural and faster way to make your lips bigger and even smooth out those lip wrinkles? And no, you don't need to visit the dermatologist or esthetician for this. You can safely do it at home with the right tools and technique. Kiss your lip insecurities goodbye!

Why do lips get thinner as we age?

First off, let's get the important facts out of the way. Our lips thin as we age due to a decrease in collagen production. Past the age of twenty, our collagen production decreases around 1% per year and it doesn't stop there. Women naturally lose more collagen than men, so these results of aging are ultimately more devastating for us. Lost collagen means thinner lips, permanent frowns and fine lines and wrinkles around our mouths.

How to Naturally Get Smoother, Bigger Lips?

I'm glad you asked. A quick Google search will provide you with a list of at-home remedies for thin lips ranging anywhere from collagen supplements to suction cups (ouch?), hyaluronic acid serum to lip scrubs.

But there's a small secret in the beauty industry to fuller lips and to a massive boost in collagen production directly in the area applied. It's a more unconventional method, but it's proven to work; introducing, the dermaroller.

For those that may not know, a dermaroller is a microneedling device which when applied, creates microscopic puncture wounds with sterilized needles. Soon after, your body enters its natural healing phase, where it sends nutrients and most importantly, collagen to the area. 

This translates to a massive upsurge of collagen production, cellular turnover, and more youthful, firm, and plumped skin. Over time and with consistent application, you'll begin to notice that your lips just naturally have more volume, and the best part? It's 100% natural.

Which needle depth should be used on the Lips?

You're reading this and you're thinking, rolling needles on the lips? She must be crazy!  Most people believe that dermarolling the lips is painful, but it's not as painful as one might imagine. There's definitely some discomfort, but it's important to start with a smaller needle size, considering your lip skin is delicate.

I only recommend using a 0.25mm Dermaroller or the Mini Dermaroller. Need help and more information on exactly how to dermaroll your lips? Check out my YouTube video below,

What to expect right after dermarolling the Lips?

Expect some redness, discomfort, and dryness. Your lips will be sensitive and should avoid being touched, rubbed, or itched for at least 24 hours while they enter the healing phase. It may take a few applications to begin seeing results and increased volume. But above all, stay safe, be sure to disinfect both the applied area as well as the dermaroller with the Natural Foam Cleanser to avoid infections and don't over-roll or apply to much pressure. Be sure to do your research and follow instructions very carefully and care for your lips after application to receive the best results. 

Thank you for reading, till next time my Amber Babies! Please don't forget to subscribe and follow me on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok 🥳

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  • Gin Amber

    Hi Vicki! Yes you can. ❤️

  • Vicki Oldenburg

    If we’ve graduated to the .5 dermaroller, can we use the .5 around the mouth during our regular session (instead of the .25 Gin’s using) and then just use a .25 on the actual lip only?

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