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Happy Earth Day from Gin Amber Beauty

Happy Earth Day from Gin Amber Beauty

Businesses come, and businesses go. While there are countless industries out there, the beauty industry takes up (to date), roughly 39% of the global market. At Gin Amber Beauty we believe customer satisfaction and profitability are high priorities, but equally important are the ways businesses conduct themselves, the carbon footprint they leave behind, and their individual stance on sustainability. After all, we share this planet and its resources. Are we doing our part to ensure its health in the future?

It’s Earth Day!

First, Gin Amber Beauty wants to wish you a very Happy Earth Day! But what is Earth Day exactly? According to online sources, Earth Day is “an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, it now includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by EARTHDAY.ORG including 1 billion people in more than 193 countries”

Earth Day's mission is to diversify, educate and activate an environmental movement worldwide. It asks that we take a step back and take a look at the waste we produce, how we can minimize it, and consider alternate solutions that don’t make such of an impact on our planet. 

Gin Amber Beauty’s Sustainability Statement

Sustainability is extremely challenging for a beauty company. While we seek to formulate products that are safe and visibly effective, we also want to our ingredients to be as natural and organic as possible. We need to ship our products so they arrive intact, but we want to honor the planet by minimizing packaging and using recycled materials. We want to use recyclable product containers, but they still need to be user-friendly and preserve the integrity of our product.

So, what have we here at Gin Amber Beauty done to improve our carbon footprint? Many of you may be familiar with our staple product, the aqua stamp and how it originally contained plastic chambers. Gin Amber Beauty has since switched to glass chambers, as well as gone on to test market replaceable aqua stamp needles.

Our serums, as well as our Cafe Gommage Mask, all come in glass dispensers as well, not to mention our holistic goal to switch as many products as we can away from harmful plastics.

All Gin Amber shipping boxes and envelopes are made from recycled materials and we recently incorporated high-grade shredding equipment in-office that allows us to utilize old magazines and print items for our shipping materials! 

Gin Amber Beauty has also personally donated to many environmental, animal protection, and relief effort charities and wants its customers to know that our view extends beyond product and skin. We want a beautiful, healthy planet as well.

How Can You Do Your Part?

Although Gin Amber Beauty is an advocate of sustainability and reduced carbon footprints, not everyone is onboard with these ideas or aware how they can help in their day-to-day lives. Here are just a few simple shifts in your daily life that can make huge impacts if we all did the same thing:

  • swap out your incandescent bulbs for LED's (they use less energy)
  • Turn your water heater down to 120˚F. This can save about 550 pounds of CO2 a year (source)
  • Drive less! Try commuting to work on a bicycle, take public transportation, or through rideshare. This can help lower CO2 emissions.
  • Bring reusable shopping bags to the store.
  • Support and buy from companies that are energy responsible and promote sustainability.

Gin Amber Beauty is trying—and will continue to try—to improve how we meld profitable business, overall quality, company profit, and environmental soundness. This commitment cuts into overall profits, but when it comes to the environment and the health of this planet, we are looking at the future for mankind, and we think it’s worth it.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below as well as your own methods and suggestions on how you do your part to contribute back to the planet. Thank you Amber Babies, I can't wait to hear from you, and once more, Happy Earth Day!

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